Thursday, March 25, 2010

Only Thursday night...? Crazy!

Time has NOT been flying by like I was afraid it would, which is awesome! I feel like I've done and seen a lot in the short time I've been here and I'm already confident rocking the Metro! I'm starting to get my bearings for the layout of the city too. It's drizzly and a bit windy, but other than that the weather here is nice.
The last couple days have been worlds better than my first hectic night. Tuesday night, a group of ended up at a pub called Las Brindas and had very tastey Sangria and fun getting to know each other.

Wednesday I had classes and explored the city in the daytime. Judy, Taylor, and I ended up finding a peaceful jardin (garden) at a museo (museum) in the afternoon. After our last class, the roommates and I enjoyed a relaxing glass of wine and stayed in for the evening, except to get food. Met a guy from Morrocco who works at the pizza place literally right outside our apartment, he was very friendly and helped me practice my conversational skills! :) I've been getting by pretty well with my limited Spanish, I've been translator a few times for friends and it's nice to feel capable! I'm not as advanced as I should be for 3 years of it, but at least I can survive. The accent is coming more naturally to me than I thought it would (ex: "Grathias" and "Barthelona"). I hope I come home fluent, but able to still say my c's and z's.
(Photo: me outside my school!)
Got a walking tour of the city today and saw the gorgeous Plaza de Espana as well as the Plaza del Sol, the exact center of Spain. BEAUTIFUL cobblestone and statues and fountains... We were there the other night when we went out but didn't realize the significance of the place, so it was good to see it in the daytime and appreciate it more. Had churros con chocolate, my new favorite thing in the world! Fried sugary dough dipped into a cup of thick warm dark coacoa... Sooooo delicious! Went to el doctor, found out I'm NOT dying (phew) and got my drogas. Afterwards, I went on a solo adventure in the rain and saw some AMAZING buildings on my walk! I never understood why people are in awe of man-made structures, but I gotta hand it to the Spaniards, I'm impressed!
Hopefully I'll be recovered by the weekend so I can see with Ash and go to the Sunday flea market (El Rastro), go out with the group, and see the South of Spain with fresh eyes.

Peace out,

Danielle <3


  1. OH MY GOSH -- HOW FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Dang i wish i would have kept a journel - everyone told me too but i just had no time or was to lazy haha. Anyways it sounds so fun and I'm so happy for you! It just gets easier and more fun as time goes on. And you have already lived away from home so u probably wont get home sick.

    ok so plan: Leigh, you, and I have to travel together! So start a saving account or something because its GOT to happen. Can you imagine - laying out in the mediterrianian sun together, going to dance clubs and flirting with the natives together!!!

    Gurl im SO happy that u went on this trip!!!
    fyi..... you will now be addicted to traveling and adventure.

    LOVE YOU! Prayin for ya!

  2. hehe, thanks Miss Kay! But if I'm married with kids before I have money again, I wouldn't be surprised. At that point flirting with the natives would probably be out of the question... probably. lol

    PS, I've been an addict for over 3 years now, no sign of recovery! :P
